Local Offer
6-14 Years
Therapeutic based, SEMH, ADD, ODD, PDA, Anxiety, Challenging behaviour, SpLD, ADHD
1 Mayfield Road, Chorley, PR6 0DG
01257 511231
Accessibility and Inclusion
Mayfield House School is a TTK Group Independent Social, Emotional and Mental Health Day school for students aged between 6 and 14 years. The team at Mayfield House School have extensive experience and knowledge of working with children with a wide range of additional challenges including; Autism, Asperger’s, Pathological Demand Avoidance, ADHD, Reactive Attachment Disorders, dyslexia, dyspraxia, Speech language and communication difficulties and the associated anxieties characteristically seen within our students.
The ground floor of the school is fully accessible. The entrance way is flat and easily accessible. The first floor does not have wheelchair access at this time.
Teaching and Learning
The school provides a therapeutic and safe approach to the learning environment; with two nurture rooms and access to a variety of therapeutic and academic interventions. Our staff work proactively with families to ensure a student’s needs are being met. We deliver an appropriate curriculum specific to a child’s needs as identified through the school’s internal baseline and assessment programme. Individual Education Plans highlight areas in need of support, targets are set and managed through a creative, personalised and enjoyable framework. Pupils have access to a full curriculum and opportunities to access an outdoor education programme.
The school has a speech and language therapist who will assess a student upon enrolment. Any interventions identified are set out in the Child Action Plan.
Reviewing and Monitoring
Most students attending Mayfield House School will have and Education, Health and Care Plan. Targets are monitored regularly. Progress is recorded and achievements celebrated. Students will undertake a variety assessment including Baseline assessments.
Students will have an annual review, parents and professionals are invited to celebrate the students achievements and identify new targets to continue to encourage development and growth.
Families are invited to share their knowledge; input regarding targets and risk assessments are welcomed by the school.
The school reports termly to parents and carers, student’s academic and therapeutic progress, the school also operates an open-door policy and are happy to speak with families should the feel the need for additional feedback.
Keeping Children Safe
We are committed to the safety of our pupils; from the onset our team are recruited through a strict safer recruitment policy.
Our school is a therapeutically led where we have created a nurturing learning environment.
All staff undertake a comprehensive induction programme on their initial appointment and training is updated where necessary.
Full risk assessments are undertaken highlighting individual needs as well as activities on and off site.
If a child falls ill or is injured during the school day, where appropriate first aid will be administered at school by our qualified paediatric first-aider.
We have high staff to child ratios and staff will use a variety of behaviour strategies to promote a safe learning environment. Intervention is only ever used to keep students safe in the event all non-physical interventions have been unsuccessful.
HEALTH (Including Emotional Health and Wellbeing)
Our school ethos is to provide a nurturing environment for our students. We promote your child’s health and wellbeing through our whole school approach to learning. Students are treated as individual’s they have personal attainable targets; this promotes success and achievement which is suitably celebrated through praise and builds confident and self-esteem.
Students are encouraged to use age-appropriate strategies to communicate and recognise the emotions they are feeling. Staff recognise that our students sometimes need time to re-engage after a period of high anxiety; safe spaces are available to students who need time to re-engage and our school counsellor is on hand should a child feel they need to speak to someone.
As well as academic targets, our students are assessed by our Speech and Language Therapist. A number of interventions are available to our students including, SALT, School Counsellor and Play Therapy other interventions maybe sought if a need is identified. Interventions maybe be 1-2-1, group sessions and or families maybe invited to participate in some of the sessions.
We have a zero tolerance to bullying and have a sound PSHE and RSE curriculum to facilitate age-appropriate understanding. The school promotes safe internet use and through the curriculum teaches children cyber safety. Information is available for parents to help promote the safe use of the internet.
Each child will have an individual risk assessment and all activities will undergo a risk assessment to ensure the safety of our students.
We are dedicated to working collaboratively with parents and other professionals to support our students. Equally, we want to hear from our students and they are able to have their ideas heard at our regular school council sessions.
Communication with parents
Parents and carers are contacted daily through a home/school diary. Key workers are available at the end of the day via e-mail or telephone to discuss any questions parents or carers may have. Key workers will contact parents and carers via telephone on a daily or weekly basis, whichever is more appropriate to share any positive news and any other news they feel parents and carers may wish to know.
Academic reports are sent home every term with a comprehensive report sent in the Summer Term to celebrate the student’s achievements for that academic year. Parents will be invited to speak with the teachers should they have any concerns. The school operates an open-door policy and invites parents and carers to contact the school if they feel a need to outside the communication channels already in place. The school will happily attend a student’s home to meet with the parent and carers should this be more convenient.
Each student will have an annual review where the progress of the student will be discussed with parent/carers, the local authority and any other professional supporting the student.
Working Together
At Mayfield House School, we understand the importance of the team around a child. Many of our students feel let down and are apprehensive around their academic journey. We welcome your views regarding your child’s learning needs. We value your contribution and work towards a collaborative approach.
A student’s EHCP will identify the level of support a student needs and the Local Authority will have informed our school of the students needs. A number of professionals will be involved in our student’s education and care plan this is to ensure each plan is tailored to the needs of the individual student and progress is being made.
What Help and Support is available to the Family?
We recognise the importance of the families support for our students. Families are kept up to date with relevant information. We have an open-door policy and families can contact key workers via email or telephone daily.
If a child refuses to attend school, our outreach programme will help bridge any gaps in education missed and support will be offered to the family.
Some of the interventions we assign to our students may include the family with their support which is funded by the school.
We also like to hold family events and students along with their immediate family are invited to participate.
Transition to School and School Leavers
Working with the Local Authority we ensure that we can meet the needs of the child. Our admission process enables prospective parents the opportunity to meet the headteacher and see the school in action. Parents and carers can express an interest in our school, the LA will decide if the school is a match.
Once a place has been secured, we offer a comprehensive transition package, individual to a child’s needs. This can involve an initial visit to the school, a visit from a key worker to the child’s home or school environment, a taster day followed by a planned transition including half and full days. This can be over a week or a few weeks depending on the needs of the individual child.
Whilst at Mayfield House School, our students are given the opportunity to work with local businesses in our work experience scheme, attend age specific careers events annually, where they are given the opportunity to talk to local businesses, local colleges and apprenticeship providers.
Our curriculum will help prepare students for independence and life skills through our PSHE lessons and our Topic Work.
When our student’s placement comes to an end and it is time for them to move on to KS4 provision, we will work with student and their parents and carers to help source suitable provisions in the local area. Once a provision has been identified and approved by the LA, the students Key Worker will visit the new school with the student on transition visits and will stay until they are comfortable with the new environment. Our Key Workers will liaise with the new provision and ensure that all the strategies the student has found useful are passed on.
At Mayfield House School, we want our former students to thrive in their new provision and are dedicated to ensure the transitions are smooth and event free.
We recognise the importance of a well-rounded curriculum and as such have a strong extra-curricular and activities programme. We believe all our students should try some activities outside their comfort zone and invite families to participate in some activities. Staff are also encouraged to participate in the activities with the children to promote a fun learning environment.
We have a number of activities and extra- curricular activities available to our students. We can provide Arts Awards, Duke of Edinburgh Awards, Free-Running, Dancing, Drama, Gymnastics, Outdoor-pursuits, trips away and visits from authors to name a few.
Below are just some of the many local business, professionals, groups and services that we are proud to be working with and would highly recommend!