About Us
Our aim is to provide a therapeutic and safe learning environment where pupils are able to fully explore their potential.
Our objectives include;
To promote attendance through a well-planned curriculum that recognises the individuality of the pupil
To monitor the pupil’s progress and re-evaluate their learning needs regularly
To provide a consistent and supportive environment through routine, discipline and praise; creating a safe positive teaching and learning environment.
To encourage re-engagement allowing pupils access to a balanced curriculum meeting individual needs
To embrace community involvement, facilitate social, moral create and intellectual development.
To encourage pupils to take ownership of their learning and to take responsibility, develop awareness and self-discipline to promote self-esteem
To develop pupils respect for themselves and others through a comprehensive PSHE programme, highlighting and understanding others religious beliefs, moral values. Promoting equal opportunities and British Values.
High staff to pupil ratio
Placements for boys and girls aged 6 – 16
Strong links with local business to provide enhanced learning experiences
Access to an alternative timetable ensuring a child centred learning experience
Therapy rooms/nurture rooms for one to one intervention
Individual transition packages for attending school
Wide range of educational opportunities
Individual Educational Plan (IEP)
Tailored therapeutic programmes and strategies
A positive learning environment
A therapy dog
Initial assessments/baselines as part of the induction package
Dual site to allow for more vulnerable pupils to be integrated at their own and or if they need some time away from the main school site