Providing a well rounded curriculum for our pupils is key to their success. Our school seeks to re-establish the concept of learning as a positive experience. For each of our pupils, that journey may look a little different and take varied times to access.
We take a truly therapeutic approach, during our initial assessments; we introduce a number of therapeutic possibilities. Each child's individual needs are identified and any supplemental support will be introduced along side their Individual Learning Plan, which covers academic and behaviour targets.
We aim to provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum. Each child works inline with the National Curriculum and their abilities. There is an emphasis on basic literacy and numeracy skills embedded throughout our curriculum. Some learners are not ready for 100% classroom activities, so a transition and various activities using incidental learning can be employed as a means of transition.
There is an emphasis on basic literacy and numeracy skills.
The curriculum includes; -
Creative Arts
Project Work
Social Skills
Alternative curriculum
Additional opportunities for gifted and talented
Outdoor/Forest School Education
In addition, our pupils have the opportunity to access an outdoor education programme and each child has an ILP (Independent Learning Plan) which can include group work, 1-2-1 intervention through mediums such as Art therapy, Play therapy, Speech and Language therapy.
We have a variety of leaders in their fields (Satchel Pulse, Thrive, Mindset) who comes to help build our pupils confidence and work on the challenges they may face in their lives.
We believe that the best chance in education that our pupils have is to help them understand their behaviours and the challenges they are facing and help them create viable solutions and strategies that will enable them to reengage with educational life.